Believe it or not some light shower maintenance can go a long way to make your bathtub / shower look better than ever. Here are a few small items that are light on your pockets that can go a long way.
1. New Shower Fixtures
- New shower fixtures can really spruce up your bathtub and shower. Prices range from $80 to hundreds of dollars depending on what you’re going for, but this small change will really spruce up your bathroom.
2. Caulking
- Re-caulking your tub will help whiten things up and have them looking fresh and new. You can buy Caulk for $10 at any home improvement store like Home Depot or Lowes. The first step you’ll do is to take out the existing caulk, clean up the area and then re-caulk. This, along with installing new fixtures goes a long way to sprucing things up in your bathroom.
3. Deep Clean!
- It’s a pain in the butt, we know. But getting down on your hands and knees and clean your bathtub and shower after you’ve installed new shower fixtures and re-caulked your tub will be the finishing touches you need to get your bathroom looking new again!
Shower maintenance doesn’t have to break the bank. If you’re not looking for a complete remodel you can spend $100 and get your bathroom feeling fresh and new with these 3 small maintenance items. If you don’t want to do it yourself, contact Tomms and we’ll be happy to do these items for you!